Check out the awesome shots we got of our Pulsar Twin 3E Pro!

The Pulsar Twin 3E Pro is the latest addition to the ever-growing Pulsar family of hand-made electric sailplanes. Built at our request, this model is designed to hold an additional payload if needed and still give you Pulsar performance. The Pulsar Twin 3E Pro model uses the same AG25 modified airfoil designed by Dr. Mark Drela as the other 3m and larger Pulsars. Just like its smaller cousins, the entire model is constructed using free-flight techniques.

The wing is a balsa built-up Carbon Fiber and Kevlar D-box design that utilizes carbon fiber faced balsa ribs and carbon fiber trailing edge. The open section of the wing, as well as the tail parts, are covered with UltraCote. The fuselage is made of gel-coated 2.4GHz friendly fiberglass/Kevlar with a carbon fiber tapered boom and removable fiberglass nosecone. The three piece wing and double boom conventional tail are each easily removable for transport and storage.

The servos for the rudders and elevator servos install in the vertical fins. The careful use of composites, combined with an underlying wood structure in the wing, ensures a good light structure that will hold its shape for a long time. This is an extremely light, high performance model.

Virtually perfect, very well made and extremely clean. One of the most advanced addition to the ever-growing Pulsar family of hand-made electric sailplanes.

Get it HERE.

The FULL Standbox System is available NOW!

The entire Standbox System family is available at our site.

StandBox is a light flexible modular system used for building, maintenance, transport, and storage of R/C model airplanes.

StandBox makes airplane transportation safer, whether riding in the car’s trunk or while carrying the plane with the help of the attached carrying straps. Thanks to its dependable and flexible construction, there is no need to worry about possible damage which could be done to the model airplane during transportation.

Storage Solution:
StandBox effectively organizes your fleet of R/C models. Due to StandBox’s dovetail joints and clips it’s possible to stack them up on top of each another (Max 5ft./1.5m). The StandBox dovetail locking joints protect your models against horizontal and vertical sliding. The StandBox system effectively manages your storage space.

Intelligent Flexibility:
You can adapt StandBox easily and quickly to your airplane by using a snap blade knife (recommended blade width is 18mm). Thanks to StandBox’s dovetail locks, the whole structure is easily adaptable. The StandBox joining support structure uses round corners which provide greater pressure points within individual the connections. More pressure equals stronger joints! Prism and vertical support make all the connections strong without use of the glue. Because the Standbox system uses no glue it can easily be rearranged at any time.

Get it HERE!

Jeti Telemetry Hall Effect Magnetic On/Off Position Sensor Available!

Our Magnetic ON/OFF Position Sensor will allow you to trigger events based on the True/False signal sent to your Jeti receiver. This is especially important in applications like gear doors, Up and Go systems for sailplanes, and scale features like opening canopies or gear doors.

You will install the magnet on the moving side of your opening and the sensor on the fixed side; allowing you to know when it is closed or open. This signal can then be used in logical switching to prevent accidents from occurring. Imagine a safety lockout that prevents your gear from raising/lowering unless the doors are opened first.

Multiple Position Sensors can be linked in a serial configuration and sent to a single input to signal a True/False condition for a set of doors. A True signal is only achieved when all of the sensors are in agreement.

Get it HERE!

New Single and Double Wing Bags For Easy Transport!

Having trouble transporting your plane’s wings? We have the solution.

The Double Wing Bags are designed for RC airplanes with two separate tapered wing panels. In the center is a 3/8″ (10mm) removable partition of foam enclosed in fleece which separates the two wing panels and attaches with a layer of Velcro to the bottom of the wing bag.

The Single Wing Bags are designed for RC Airplanes or Sailplanes with single or multi-piece wing panels. On the backside there is an additional storage pocket for your wing joiners, wing tube or wing struts. The zippers go around three sides so the wing or wing panels can be inserted easily.

Find them here in several sizes!

Grab Your Buddy, Grab a Beer and Go Fly!

Our new sailplane launching platform allows you to reach optimal thermal hunting altitudes without the expense of a winch or the hassle of a high-start. Great for clubs that do not have the space for traditional sailplane launch systems. The platform is made from a 6mm carbon/lite-ply sandwich and mounts to your favorite, 70″ (1780mm) or larger, high-wing model. Get it here

Make Their Christmas Morning with a Pulsar 3.6E Pro Sailplane!

The Pulsar 3.6E Pro REF is the latest and largest addition to the ever-growing Pulsar family of hand-made electric sailplanes. Built at our request, this model is the competition version of the 3.6m Pulsar. The Pulsar 3.6 models use the AG25 modified airfoil designed by Dr. Mark Drela specifically for 3m and larger thermal duration planes. Just like its smaller cousins, the entire model is constructed using free-flight techniques.

Get it here –