Jeti Duplex 2.4GHz Dual Path, True Redundant RF Link!!!

Unlike satellite receivers, Dual Path provides a true redundant RF link. Utilizing the Duplex transmitter’s twin independent RF modules in Dual Path mode you bind each RF module to a separate receiver. These receivers can then be used in several ways. For example:

  • Both receivers feeding a Jeti Central Box or other servo distribution systems such as the Powerbox.
  • Both receivers connected to the same set of servos via Jeti EnLinks
  • Using one receiver for each half of the model

Joe Nall – Jeti DS-16 Award Ceremony

We would like to congratulate to the lucky winner of the revolutionary Jeti Duplex DS-16 2.4GHz radio system. The raffle drawing was held the May 17, 2013 at the Joe Nall Awards Ceremony. All proceeds were donated personally to the Pat Hartness for the future benefits of Triple Tree Aerodrome.

We wish many happy flying hours to the Lucky Winner. And best of luck to the Triple Tree Aerodrome for such an outstanding event.

Joe Nall – Triple Tree Aerodrome

Today we saw lots of incredible action on all flight lines. We have pictures of many of the world’s most beautiful scale, 3D, electrics and helicopters that were flying all day today at Joe Nall 2013. Attendance was up and everyone had a great time. The lake was also busy with seaplanes!

The flyers are loving the roomier flight line area and the removal of the trees near the gazebo.

It’s not too late for next year ….. get your planes and head to Triple Tree Aerodrome for Joe Nall 2014!!!

Pictures From You

Here are some pictures of an ASW19 sent in by Nicholas Carrozza. Built from scratch, this ASW19 contains a composite fuselage formed from molds that Nicholas created himself.  The flying surfaces are covered with Obeche wood and the fuselage lay-up is glass and Nomex honey comb. Great Job Nicholas. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us!