Very Soon We will be Introducing New Line of MRx-R (Motor/Receiver Ready) Models from TopModel CZ: Albatros, Prelude, Avia, Meteor….

We Need Your Help!!!

In last two months we have been working with TopModel on new line of MRx-R models. Practically the ARF sailplanes would be ready for your receiver and motor installation. The Hitec servos, servo extensions, control horns, linkages, wings, tails as well as motor firewall all installed. We are also planning on selling motor packages, MVVS Motor/Jeti ESC/BB Spinner/Aeronaut Propeller and Deans connector all done for you. For customers who order MRx-R Model and Power package we will provide installation free of charge.

We would like to know what models and colors you guys would be interested?
We are planning our production for next 3 months.
Please let us know at