Spring Cleaning is Well On Its Way!
We have a brand new, all-in-box TopModel CZ Miss Tractor. The Miss Tractor is a Czech made ARF, made entirely out of balsa/plywood, and suitable for aerotowing or sport flying. The Miss Tractor has a very strong fuselage and serves as an excellent workhorse for aerotowing large sailplanes. This towing model was built for air work such as photography, schooling, streamer, and such. It offers the possibility of using 60 to 80cc engines depending on your flight type. With 80cc gasoline engines, it is really possible to tow very large sailplanes. The flaps are particularly efficient; it is possible to direct them until 90° thanks to the special hinges system delivered in the kit. Real V/STOL capacities. The robust landing gear resists the worse treatments and makes it possible to take off from summary grounds. Thanks to its perfect geometry and to the NACA 4412 airfoil, this plane is an example of stability and will surprise you in how well it handles any task you ask of it.
Wingspan: 2840mm/112″
Length: 1990mm/78.25″
Weight: 9-11kg /20-24 lbs.
Motor/Engine: 60cc-80cc

Cost: $950.00 USD plus shipping (Pay Pal Okay)
Box Dimensions/Weight: 63″ x 19″ x 16″/25 lbs. Airplane ships Fed Ex Ground.
If interested please email support@esprittech.com.