How Diabolically Delightful!

It has arrived. After weeks of anticipation, we now have had a first hand feel of this transmitter, and boy is it awesome! Best part is, it is already set up for heli use! It comes with a momentary push button pre-installed, smooth throttle, and pre-installed modules. The metal flake clear coat gives it not only added protection from wear and tear, but a beautiful shine. Take a look!

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Steve’s Fire Boss – Revisited

Now that it’s finished, lets take a 2nd look at Steve’s Fire Boss. Read what he has finished on it.
“Float bottoms profiled, various scoops and vents added as well as under fuselage pipework, access steps, antennas, working navigation and landing lights and of course a pilot!  Weighs 1200g ready to fly with a 2200 mAh Lipo that’s good for 10-15 minutes of flying depending on throttle use. Wing loading is still only 21 oz/sqft and performance is very scale like as it flies like it has a bit of mass.”
Sounds Awesome Steve!

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031116 - Fireboss Revisited (2)

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031116 - Fireboss Revisited (4)

All The Best Accessories!!!

Check out these Trikes for your Opale Wing! The Trike L is designed for use with the Oxy 3/3.9m wing. At close to 1:3 scale, this is the seconds largest paramotor trike available. The Trike XL is designed for use with the Oxy 5/5.1m wing. At close to 1:2 scale, this is the LARGEST paramotor trike available. Who wants to go for a ride? 😉

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