A Note from Triple Tree Aerodrome

Joe Nall 2013: shaping up to be the best ever!
Hey there – Joe Nallers,

Early registration numbers are up by 20%, so it’s looking like you’re going to have lots of new faces to share hoots and giggles with at Joe Nall 2013.
Pat Hartness, Mike Gregory and the boys have been making lots more room for your buddies, too. The flight line looks INCREDIBLE! As we mentioned earlier, the runway trees line is gone and there are now 16 acres of land – across the runway – that have been groomed just in case you declare an emergency and can’t make it back to the field. (These additional acres will also be used to park up to 350 additional airplanes for September’s general aviation “Triple Tree Fly-in”.)
The new pilot fence is in, making loads of extra room for pilots, tents and easy access to the flight line.

Pat even opened up the spectator area around the gazebo – he used his favorite form of tree trimmer – a Komatsu – to remove a couple of large trees that were blocking everyone’s view of the noon time show.

Other happenings:
3D area: The concrete for expanded bathroom facilities has been poured, and by the time you’re here you’ll find 8 more stalls and showers to help ease congestion. U/C circles: are now ultra-manicured with all new grass – what a sight! Welcome: Center: Entry is going to be easier this year with a new “bypass” – it’s been paved now and is looking “Pat Perfect”. Mower update: For those who like to keep up with our 36 foot “Dear John”, make sure check out Joey and Matt’s workmanship. Mods have been made to the mower decks for simpler height adjustments and greater reliability.
We have more vendors coming to Joe Nall this year to help put a dent in your modeling budget – quite a few interesting ones, as always. Make sure you take the time to shop’em all.
PowerBox – our good buddies from Germany – have offered to put on a noise seminar to help us all figure out how to make less noise and still keep power high. It’s a subject important to our future – one they’ve dealt with for decades, so please make sure you plan on joining in.
Now, the only thing missing is you! Travel well – we look forward to seeing you soon.

The Triple Tree Aviators

P.S. Pre-registration Bonus! All those who Pre- register will receive a free 2013 Joe Nall plaque. For all others, the plaque is available for a nominal $10 fee.

